Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has come in to blow us all away, i cant really emphasis what it means to me then to the world, but scavenging through search engine like every other kid out there i came upon a person who described it quiet well. Tom O'Rielly simply puts web 2.0 in a notion such as "delivering software that gets better each time more people use it. This means that the software gets stronger especially when individual users provide their own data and services"

web 2.0 has some traits, most of which are very simple and basic. (probably due to the lack of concentration now-a-days)

as O'Rielly also puts it

Simple layout

Centered orientation

Design the content, not the page

3D effects, used sparingly

Soft, neutral background colours

Strong colour, used sparingly

Cute icons, used sparingly

Plenty of white space

Nice big text

to add to he's definition briefly what i think after reading what he says and what

he missed is that its a website that u interact with.

Examples of web 2.0 vary... one of the more common examples is facebo


Facebook a virtual world in which u can communicate with others around the world, sharing pictures, videos and opinions. Big text, Columns, Cute icons, lots of white, and defiantly centered orientation.

Youtube, another Web2.0 website, highly interactive much like facebook, the site mostly relates to blogging yourself or sharing videos across the world.

Google, the most popular search engine in the world is a web2.0, clearly interactive, it connects you to every other website in the world with a search and click base.

Thanks to O'Reilly ! http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html

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